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姓名: 袁公明
领域: 人力资源  生产管理  运营管理  企业文化  品质管理 
地点: 广东 东莞
签名: 袁公明
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  • 博客积分:1868
  • 博客访问:2315366


文件控制程序 2008-07-16


Document Control Procedure文件控制程序

1 Purpose目的
Establish methods of managing the company’s files concerning the quality & environment management system and effectively control it. Meantime, ensure that the effective documents are available in all work places which are essential to the efficient operation of the system and withdraw the obsolete ones from the places which get and use the document.
2 Scope适用范围
This procedure is applicable to the control of all our company’s files concerning the quality & environment management system.
3 Definition定义
3.1 Controlled Original Files: the original piece of the controlled files which is written by the file compiler and has been approved.
3.2 Controlled Duplicated Files: the copy of the controlled original file for use
3.3 Uncontrolled Files: files not to be withdrawed or renewed.
3.4 Cancelled Files: files not to be used again in working places but only to be marked as reference when needed
3.5 Reference Files: files having no direct connection with the product quality or environment system, and only used for reference.
3.6 External Files: International standard, National standard, professional standard and related laws or regulations, files/ criterions provided by interested party.
4 Responsibility职责
4.1 General Manager总经理
a. Organize to establish and approve the quality & environment policy and objective and approve it.
b. Approve the issue of the quality & environment manual
4.2 Management Representative管理者代表
a. Organize to compile quality & environment management manual and confirm it.
b. Approve the issue of procedure documents
4.3 Each department各部门
a. Compile its own managerial procedure files which have to be signed jointly by relevant departments;
b. Compile and modify the 3-level documents of each department, and the department representative has to confirm those documents.
c. Prepare document list which is a collective of those compiled files of the department;
d. Preserve all the issued controlled duplicated files.
4.4 Document control center controller文控员
a. Manage files according to the requirements of this procedure;
b. Preserve all approved controlled original files;
c. PrepareDocument list which is a collective of all the files of the company.
编制本公司所有文件的《文件清单》。5 Procedure Contents程序内容
5.1 Composing of the document文件的构成
5.2 File Numbering文件编号
5.2.1 Principle of Quality & environment manual numbering 质量环境管理手册编号原则
5.2.2 Principle of procedure documents numbering程序文件编号原则
5.2.3 Principle of working instruction files numbering作业指导文件编号原则
5.2.4 Principle of record numbering记录编号原则
5.2.5 Edition and order number of files文件的版本/次
5.2.6 Extra Codes (including product packing directions, product inspecting directions, assembly process directions, injection process directions and drawings)例外编号(包括产品包装指示书、产品检查指示书、装配作业指示书、注塑作业指示书及图纸)
5.2.7 External files can be converted to our files can be numbered according to our principles of numbering when needed.外来文件如需转为公司文件时可按公司文件的编号原则进行编号。
5.3 Document control center controller keeps external files, prepares the List of Documents Come Form Outside and updates them when a newest edition comes into being; External files provided by customers and suppliers have to be checked by related departments and to be issue or preserved as needed.
5.4 Marking of files文件的标识
The files of the company are divided into controlled ones and uncontrolled ones:
本公司的体系文件有 “受控”和“非受控”之区别:
a. Controlled files are to be controlled when being modified and stamped the controlled chapter, and make sure that the valid edition can be available in all places which use them.
b. Control-lost and canceled files are to be withdrawed and stamped the red ‘Cancelled’ chapter, and can be kept to use as reference after getting the approval of related file control department, avoiding misusing.
c. Files or records concerning the operation of the system are to be coded according to the item 5.2 by the document control center controller.
d. ‘Reference only’ are files provided to the customers and suppliers and stamped ’reference’ chapter on the cover by the document control center controller when she distributing these files. No need to register the distribution of these files and no need to inform of its edition renewal.
5.5 File issuing and managing文件的发放及管理
5.5.1 Document control center controller prepares theDocument Issue/Retrieve Record Sheet and issues the first, second, third level files to related departments after these files have been approved
5.5.2 Document control center controller stamp ‘Controlled Document Copy’ chapter on the cover before issuing the file.
5.5.3 As to the scope of issuing, ensure the effective edition of the files are available to the users.
5.5.4 The files with black chapter used in working places inside the company are the invalid ones.
5.5.5 The controlled files are to be withdrawed by document control center controller after their holders transferred from their positions because of the work or other reasons, and this is to be noted in Document Issue/Retrieve Record Sheet.
5.5.6 When the holder lost his file, he needs to fill out an application of reissue document sheet and get a new one from document control center controller after his application is approved. The new file has a new issuing code, and the lost one is to be announced void.
5.5.7 When one’s file is severely damaged and can’t be used, he can go to document control center controller to apply for a new one and the new one will still use the former distribution code. The damaged one will be announced void.
5.6 If any modification to the files is needed, the applicant should fill an application sheet in first. The files will be modified after getting the approval, then issued by document control center controller according to the scope of issuing. At the same time the document control center controller has to take back those replaced files as canceled ones.

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